Document pane - Track current (open) rem

I’d like an option so that the doc navigation pane (left hand side) will automatically update to select the rem I have open.
I think this should be on by default with a toggle to turn it off.

For reference see JetBrains IDEs - “Select open file” button, and “Always Select Opened File” toggle

My biggest use case for this is Daily documents - I often go to today’s document (Alt+D) but want to navigate to yesterday’s doc.

Having to type the entire date into search, or sift through the rem menu is a pain - much easier to go one rem below in the menu and simply select yesterday.

This specifically could also be solved with prev / next daily doc shortcuts, which are a good idea regardless.
but regardless, it can generally help keep context of where you are in the hierarchy easier in a large KB.

Edge cases:

  • If the user is in a non-document rem- can highlight the closest-document-ancestor.
  • If multiple editor panes open - can focus on the last selected pane’s rem, optionally showing both in the document pane