Edit Later Description Not Working?

Couldn’t find this in search, feel free to point me if this has been solved/discussed.

Anyone else have this issue?:

When I click edit later in the queue, it used to pop up a text box where I could say what I want to edit later as a description or message. For the past few weeks/months, when I click the edit later button it jumps to the next card in my queue without bringing up the description text box.

As I know, now you could first press “Edit”, there is a input box in “edit” interface, there you can write the message and then click “edit later”.
Maybe this modification of “edit later” is for those who really want to go through their cards fast.

My cards in the queue have only ever had “edit now” and “edit later” buttons. After taking a closer look, I see that the “edit now” button now gives options to put a description and reason for editing later. I didn’t catch whenever they made that switch.

Mod’s: can lock/close/complete this since it has been “solved.”

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