I use embedded queues heavily. I make a portal, include and hide to set up the cards I want, turn the portal into an embedded queue, switch to view mode, the end.
Then I start reviewing, day after day.
Sometimes, while reviewing, I switch to edit mode to tweak stuff, and I find that rems that should be part of the queue, now are hidden. I think they are always unscheduled rem, or rem that I have just reviewed, or something like that, and that if I just let them be, they will reappear in the queue when their time comes. However, I’d like to be sure about how that works, because it always scares me a bit,
as if they had been lost from the queue. This has been the case since I started using these – months ago – so I think it’s by design and not a bug or something that will change just by waiting, so I thought I’d better ask: how does this work?