Estimating the use of EPUB in workflow (currently not supported in Remnote)

I’m no expert, but PDF seems to be a very clunky system. We have all seen the problems of PDF (random processing when highlighting : nospacingbetweenwords, arbitrary number of spacing, impossibility to select exactly the wanted text, etc.).

Whenever I have the possibility I prefer to use epub over PDF for reading. Now I would like to merge my reading notes in Remnote, in the same way I do with PDFs.

Am I the only one who prefers EPUB and would like to see it supported in Remnote?

  • I use EPUB, and would like Remnote to support it
  • I use EPUB, but I don’t need it in Remnote
  • I don’t use EPUBs

0 voters

Here, some examples of annotation in EPUBs

For those who don’t use it, what’s an epub?:
EPUB means electronic publication. It’s a file format used in most kindle-like tablet and on the web. Instead of fixing characters on the paper space whithout any knowledge of what it is (as does a PDF), the EPUBs understand “text”, “title”, “figures” “table of content” etc. Therefore, it allows you to make text bigger, use the font you want, properly select text, etc… as it should :slight_smile: