Extra card detail not connected to multi-line

Before I could just press shift and tab then tab again and the rem was not connected to the multi-line and could be used as an extra card detail. Now the rem is still connected to the multiline even if I do this.
How do I disconnect a rem from the multiline which I want to use as an extra card detail?


I have never had this problem before: I always separate the “extra card detail” from the multi-line by pressing shift + tab, then tab again. Is there a new shortcut for this now? Is it the new update? Please I really need some help since I use the “extra card detail” pretty much on every single flashcard.
Best regards, Kalle

Try focusing the extra card detail rem and then /card or ctrl+alt+r to toggle it being a card item.

Yes I do that for now but I am so used to shift + tab then tab. I wonder if its just a bug or if they have changed something. Thank you for your response. I appreciate it very much