Fill in the blank for steps in a list (with context) AKA cloze for LaTeX blocks?


Inspired by Spaced Repetition for Mathematics: A Quick Summary - YouTube I decided to try and write out math solutions as forward rems, one per operation performed on the math problem, but couldn’t get the card to look the way I wanted. Sure, I can use align and latex to make a block of math look good… but apparently I have to turn the editable math latex back into an image in order to do a fill-in-the-blanks on top of the image such that I can have lines 1-3 show up, hide line 4, and then show the final line 5 operation. As mentioned in the above YouTube video, one way to study math and memorize proofs is to make each line of the proof something that can be hidden and tested with.

A similar approach might work for memorizing poetry or song lyrics - just hide one line but show the rest of the stanza, and quiz yourself on the hidden line in the song or poem. That works with regular text-based clozes (fill-in-the-blank). But it doesn’t seem to work when inline equations are involved. And it would be ideal if I could use a block equation because then things would like up nicely at the equals signs. I imagine the way this could work - ideally - is that I could mark a latex block or set of nested bullets as a cloze-list – it would identify each line in a latex block math equation, and create a cloze for each line or some approach where I could use inline equations (which sometimes don’t look as nice as block ones) and use regular cards or a list of cards, where each list item is acts like a cloze/fill-in-the-blank.

Right now the only approach I can think of besides making images and using image-fill-in-the-blanks manually would be to maybe indent each line such that subsequent cards show the previous line as a parent card. This wouldn’t provide the context of the line that comes next, though…

I might normally use images, but it’s convenient to make minor edits sometimes to the steps of an equation to make steps clearer, sometimes, and making LaTeX is pretty easy if you have MathPix installed, and I don’t really look forward to having to drag and drop so many boxes one after the other to use image-based fill in the blanks/clozes.

Thanks for the interesting product. I look forward to the day when everyone can study any subject using little effort in RemNote. :+1:


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