Flashcard Overview Page

Hello everyone,
first let me thank you for the development of this more than awesome piece of software :slight_smile:
Now let’s come to my feature requests:

I do think RemNote needs an overview-page for all flashcards!
If you start growing your knowledge base with flashcards in some (but not all) of your Documents, I find it easy to loose track of all your flashcard-sources.

Therefore I suggest

  • a page wich conveniently displays all documents which contain flashcards, together with the number of flashcards per document
  • an easy way to see if flashcards are enabled/disabled for a source-doc on this overview-page
  • an easy way to toogle flashcards on/off for a source
  • an easy way to study flashcards per page
  • an easy way to view “just” the flashcards of a page - so I can quickly make changes to all the flashcards of a page without touching my notes surrounding them on the page

Furthermore the dropdown “Flashcards for …” in the Queue should automatically filter for sources which include enabled flashcards and exclude all pages without flashcards or with disabled flashcards.

Last I would love the ability to disable the context-hierarchy for individual flashcards.
In general I love to see the context of the flashcard and this is indeed a standout feature of RemNote for me. But sometimes the hierarchy makes it impossible to create certain flashcards in your notes since the answer can be found in the hierarchy already ^^
For example:
I have a page on the tree oak. On this page I want to include picture-flashcards which ask me to identify the tree. This doesn`t make much sense, if I can see the answer in the hierarchy of the flashcard :slight_smile:

I hope my suggestions make sense to you! Maybe some of my requests already exist and I haven’t found them - feel free to correct me anytime.
If you have any question I’ll be glad to answer them.
Greetings Flummic

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