Give me a hand: migarte local knowledge base from windows to arch linux

Hi. I just install and use arch linux weeks ago, and not very familiar with this OS :sweat_smile:.
I have a local knowledge base created with remnote on windows and mac (of course, through third-party syncing tool across different platform).
Now, I want to migrate these data to linux computer. Could anyone tell me: if I want to migrate all the remnote setting in windows, which folder(s) should be migrated, and what’s more important, where to put these folder(s) in linux?

Bad news: no one answers me.
Good news: I found the buried folder finally after doing some homework. That is: /home/your_user_name/.config/RemNote.

If someone wants to sync local knowledge base across computers, just make sure to sync these two folders mentioned in this post.

Just saw your post…
I’m also using Arch Linux, but I don’t have much experience with Local KB migration because I use Sync KB all the time… :grinning_face_with_smiling_eyes:
Thanks for your tip…!!

@TaQuangKhoi Hi, glad to see a arch linux user. I am also a newbie.
Remnote is provided in AppImage format. After failing to install some AppImage management tools, now I execute remnote from terminal every time and this is not convenient.
Do you have some valid experience and good advice on executing a AppImage file on arch linux?

Hi @wangxl32 …
With AppImage format, I am using a software called AppImageLauncher
You can install it with AUR package: AUR (en) - appimagelauncher (using yay for easier)

You can read more about how to run AppImage in its User Guide

@TaQuangKhoi I have tried to install this tool, but only to find an error.

You are using an helper (example: Yay) to install this tool, right? Or you build it from PKGBUILD file?

@TaQuangKhoi Commands I used:
git clone
cd appimagelauncher
makepkg -si

That’s all.
Anything wrong?

@wangxl32, The commands you used are correct…
Before you build this app manually, Do you install enough building programs?
Install all the required packages with below command…

sudo pacman -S --needed base-devel

Then try installing again…