Hello, I'm New to Remnote

Hi all,
I’m new to Remnote and excited to start this journey. I got here through a long rabbithole journey of wanting to build a strong knowledge base on the things I care about the most and “better remember” the huge amount of content I consume but which hardly sticks. I eventually discovered zettelkasten, spaced repetition and bi-directional links and was very interested in exploring things further.

I have a few purposes for Remnote:

  1. Create a knowledge base and absorb, remember and implement things I consume for my career in Product Management
  2. My biggest passion is music and guitar and as such I consume materials related to these voraciously and daily. I would like to again build a knowledge base around this and write a book someday.
  3. I am also passionate about health, self-improvement, exercise, diet, productivity etc and as such would love to capture what i learn over time and connect the dots
  4. Someday I hope to start creating content around these things and hope that what i capture will help with that
  5. As a means of daily journaling and see the links and patterns in my life

My current workflow:
I’m pretty new and as such am just following some of the tutorials on youtube, currently, I’ve seen Mike’s videos on taking smart notes etc, my workflow is pretty simple at this point.

  1. Use the daily document and write free-form a couple of times a day on everything that happened and what i learnt
  2. Create references and tags where I think it is useful

Would love to hear your thoughts on where I can go next. I have sooo many questions, but at the top of my list of questions are:

  1. From creating my daily docs, how do i progress to something that generates output(future book, articles) in possibly a zettelkasten way?
  2. How are people using color-coding in Remnote


Assuming you are also on the RemNote discord, check discussion around this message for general workflow and around this one for colour-coding.

I was not on the discord, i will search for it thank u for the headsup. and thanks for hte links, i will go through them:) appreciate the help

You’re quite welcome. Here’s the discord invite link: https://bit.ly/REMNOTEdiscord