Help: How to change color of buttons when cursor is over them?

Hi! I made a kind of cappuccino pastel color theme for me, but I can’t figure out how to change the color of these buttons when the cursor is over them (here around the “Tags” button", barely noticeable):

Captura de pantalla 2021-11-02 164204

I used these for the button color when it doesn’t have the cursor over:

.bg-white {
    background-color: #f7f5f3;

Hope you can help me. Thanks!

P.S. In case you wonder how it looks so far:

Here is the solution :smiley:

.hover\:bg-gray-5:hover {background-color: ;}

That’s great, @Browneyedsoul, thanks a lot! I would like to know how did you figure it out, because there are still two hover colors I’d like to change: of the Search bar and the “All notes” and “Flashcards” buttons in the sidebar. Maybe you can help me. Thanks again! :pray:

Captura de pantalla 2021-11-21 234718

You can find it in the Browser Dev tool.
Here is the last one :stuck_out_tongue:

.hover\:text-gray-50:hover {
	color: ; 
	background-color: ;

Thanks again! Worked for the Search Bar, but not for All notes. I tried with these, it’s what I could find in the Browser:

.hover\:text-gray-60:hover {
color: ; 
background-color: ;

Didn’t work, hahaha. :sweat_smile:

If then Try this. It would be perfect to your need :upside_down_face:

/*********** Sidebar Item hover effect ***********/
.hover\:text-gray-50:hover,							/* Sidebar Search Bar Hover */
.hover\:bg-hover-bg:hover,							/* Sidebar All Notes Flashcards Edit Later Hover */
.group:hover .group-hover-bg-hover-bg-transparent 	/* Sidebar Menu Item Hover */
	background-color: ;

Absolutely perfect! Thanks a lot, fellow human!

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