HELP! Remnote not syncing, CSS not working, can't close app

Hi! As described in the title, I can’t sync in any of the platforms (not in Firefox, the WPA or the Desktop App), also, the CSS theme is not working, and in the Desktop App I just can’t close it, it says “Still saving” every time I try. I had work done that I saved in Word so I wouldn’t lose it.

It all started, I believe, when I started the WPA and made a Daily Document (Alt + D), it created a weird rem with the date, but not the icon for daily documents. Since then nothing is being saved, and the other behavior is happening. I can’t create new documents either. Basically nothing is working as it should. Closed everything, even restarted my laptop, same behavior.

What can I do now??

I realize this is very similar to the issue explained here: I can't close Remnote Desktop App and it is not syncing with the webapp and other very weird behaviour, frustration! · Issue #1126 · remnoteio/remnote-issues · GitHub

Since there is no post in this forum and this happened just now for me, I thought posting it here might help. Thanks!

@Karthikk, hope you can help me or direct me to the right person. Thanks!

Seeing the same thing at the moment. Last used remnote about 12 hours ago on Windows via chrome. No problems. Now on same computer it isn’t syncing and can’t create a new document.

Not sure if it is related, but the console is full of the error:

Access to XMLHttpRequest at ‘RemNote’ from origin ‘’ has been blocked by CORS policy: No ‘Access-Control-Allow-Origin’ header is present on the requested resource.

2.d0fa3cda.chunk.js:1 Error: Network Error
at e.exports (2.d0fa3cda.chunk.js:1)
at XMLHttpRequest.f.onerror (2.d0fa3cda.chunk.js:1)
at XMLHttpRequest.n (2.d0fa3cda.chunk.js:1)

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Working now for me, thanks!

Same here! Whatever happened is gone :sweat_smile:. Scary as hell, though.

Sorry guys it was a small backend update :grimacing: