Hiding Full Name for Rem Slots when using Templates


This has been puzzling me today and I can’t find a work around.

I am trying to create a template for my Python functions, as I want to include similar information for each function. I have created a template as follows:

When using that template I get the following result:

I have a long document name for the template to distinguish it from other subjects’ templates, and to find the template more easily when searching for it among the other references that pop up for selection.

The help documentation on Templates suggests that the template should look like this, with the template name completely hidden:

Can someone please point me in the direction as to what I am doing wrong?

Try selecting the slots under the original template rem and pressing ctrl+alt+c to turn them into concepts. For some reason, slots sometimes behave as descriptors by default, i.e. show their direct parent when references.

@UMNiK Thank you so much! :grinning_face_with_smiling_eyes:
I changed the slots to concepts and it fixed the issue brilliantly! Thank you again!

You’re quite welcome, do keep in mind that you can turn the added slots into flashcards of either kind, no matter what kind the slot itself is (I also edited my previous post to contain the correct default shortcut, sorry about that).