How do I change the font size?

How do I change the font size?

You can change the font size in two ways:

1. Scale in your browser with Ctrl + + or Ctrl + -

2. Add custom CSS to scale up the text in the editor or queue. To add custom CSS, press Ctrl + P, perform a global search for the “Custom CSS” document, and add a code block with the following snippet:

.rem-text, .spacedRepetitionContent{
font-size: 20px;

This doesn’t seem to change the font size of latex formulas?

@Martin, this CSS changed the font size for my rems in the editor, but the queue remained unchanged. Is there a different code to set the font-size when reviewing the flashcards? .spacedRepetitionContent seems not work for me.

P.S. I saw that in the CSS of RemNote ( font-size is with a !important that is preventing changes from the Custom CSS.

Is it possible to change it?

@hugo Make the flashcard text size changeable