How do I see all the information under a Rem

I am doing something incorrectly. I created a rem Positive affirmations which I use every day but when I click on the Positive affirmation rem I only get the child for that day. How do I get all the children of Positive Affirmation to show up under that rem? My expectation was that I could go to that rem and find all the positive affirmation I’ve created under that day?

What exactly are you doing with that rem? Is it a portal you shuffle around or a slot you added to the daily document? If it’s a regular plain rem in a static location, you should be able to just ctrl+shift+down on it to unfold all its children (sometimes they get hidden for mysterious reasons).

I am new here so maybe I need a reference or video to watch. This is what I am doing. I create a daily doc. In it the first thing I do is Type in Daily Affirmation then I indent and write the affirmation. When I go to Daily affirmations all I get is the dates I wrote one and highlighted Daily Affirmations. I actually want to see all the Daily affirmations I’ve written. I know it is something I’m not doing correctly. I’ve watched the parents and children video a few times now but I must be missing something.

Any time you create a daily document, you are creating a new rem that will inherit any slots of its parent Daily Doc. If you then type in a new plain text rem under it, you are creating a new rem. I assume what you are seeing when you go to the Daily Affirmations are the full-text search results, since it’s not even a reference.

You intended workflow of carrying a header across multiple Daily Documents may be accomplished either via slots, see

or via manually pasting in a portal (typing in (( and searching for it would be most convenient) to the same rem and writing under it.