What can you do with templates?
Templates are a great way of bringing structure to your notes:
- layout daily notes: Tasks for the day, journaling, things I learned, …
- Collect information on things:
- Author, keywords, … for articles
They can even guide your thought process!
How to use Templates?
There are different techniques to insert a template into RemNote:
- builtin templates using tags
- copy&paste text/markup by hand or using a text expander
A text expander is a program that detects when you type a specific keyword and replaces it with something else. Sometimes this can also be done with a shortcut.
Popular text expanders are:
- Autohotkey (Windows)
- autokey (Linux)
- espanso (cross platform)
- Keyboard Maestro (paid, Mac)
- Text Expander (paid, Mac, Windows, Chrome)
Browser extensions might work well with the RemNote web app and are device independent (I have not tested this):
Both approaches - builtin and 3rd party app - have their pros and cons:
How do you use templates?
- RemNote templates.
- Text snippets pasted by a third-party tool.
- Text snippets pasted by hand.
- I don’t use templates.
0 voters
- What is your template insertion workflow?
- What are your favorite templates?
- Are you satisfied with the templating experience? If not, what could be improved?
Would that a template manager be a thing?
(Note: Currently one can not click on Rems programatically. So you have to focus it manually again to paste the template. Here is the Feature Request: TODO insert link after I made the post )
Further reading
- Youtube Tutorials on RemNote Templates:
- Official Template Tutorial: RemNote Tutorial #19: Templates
- Red Gregory: How To Use RemNote Pt. 2: Templates & Daily Documents
- Ability to create all content via API [and RemNote flavored markdown] Description of RemNote flavored markdown, i.e. what can be part of a text snippet.
- Make it easier to centralize work in daily document using templates built in textexpander or copy-pasted from repository A great example of how to use a text expander to make a daily template.
- Ability to duplicate rems and portals Rems can not be duplicated (copy&pasted), only moved (cut&pasted), which means they can not be (ab)used as templates directly.