So today I was working on a very long proof of a very long theorem with RemNote, as I thought its hierarchial system allows me to arrange the ideas very nicely. It also has a lot of latex so maybe that is also a contributing factor to the following ordeal?
To my dismay, just after I print the document, and just when I tried to tag the whole doc as a document, RemNote suddenly freezes, and the next second I am redirected to a page (still remnote page) that says the document is deleted (similar situation encountered in another post:
The document does not appear in trash. The document cannot be searched. The document seems to have never existed.
What happened? My two hours work is completely lost digitally (luckily I printed it out). Not to mention the isDescendant bugs and the update bugs mentioned in GitHub, what has happened to RemNote? What is going on? I felt it is very creepy to have my document suddenly deleted for no reason…