Once I have information from another rem in a portal, how do I add it to the current document I have the portal open on without deleting anything? Drag and drop has been finicky and sometimes modifies the original document.
I’m not sure I understand what you want to accomplish. Are you working in 2 panel mode? If so, you can use the hotkey ctrl + shift + e to copy any rem as a portal and then ctrl + v to paste it on the other panel as a portal.
If instead you mean you have a portal open in 1 document and just want to remove information from that portal and place it inside the document. I would just highlight the entire rem using ctrl + a and then copy it and paste in the document.
Why can’t you just select what you need in the portal and paste it wherever you want? One caveat is, it looks like to paste just Ctrl + V
won’t work, you may have to do paste without formatting Ctrl + Shift + V
in chrome