How to add typewriter sound while typing in remnote?

I have a chrome extension that lets me hear typewriter sounds while I am using browser. (Chrome extension)
But when I type in remnote, this is not activated. Is it ever possible for me to use these sounds in remnote? If not maybe another app or plugin can you suggest me?

That is a brilliant idea! Of course you can!

Paste this into the DevTools Console (Browser: F12, Desktop App: Ctrl + Shift + I) and execute with Enter:

const typewriterKeypress = new Audio('');
function write(evt) {
  let sound = typewriterKeypress.cloneNode();
window.addEventListener('keypress', write);

Like so

thank you for the code. Interestingly chrome extension I linked above works on remnote also. I did not do anything different. When I installed it at first it did not work. But now it is working. Have no idea.

When I type, is it possible top add a typewriter sound when I hit key?