Search portal query for searching within a rem (for example, Rem X) is:
isDescendant: [[Rem X]]
where [[Rem X]] is a reference to Rem X
And then, to specify what you’re searching for within Rem X, you just continue adding this info to the query like so:
- If searching for all rems in Rem X tagged with
isDescendant: [[Rem X]] ##SomeTag
- If searching for all rems containing references to [[Some Reference]] in Rem X:
isDescendant: [[Rem X]] [[Some Reference]]
I have tried it out myself, but I find that it only works with tags and not with references (this could be a bug).
Related: There was a feature pre-redesign that made doing exactly what you’re trying to do very simple, but I can’t seem to find it on RemNote 1.6, so I’ve posted about it in the Feedback category here.