How to remove Todo check box from document title

Hey everyone!

I created a document and somehow a ToDo check box was added to the title but I can’t delete it. Anyone have a solution for this?

I’m using Windows 2012 and the web version of Remote (not the desktop app) with Chrome.


What do you mean you can’t delete it? What happens when you press ctrl+enter while in the title?

This is what it looks like normally:

If I CTRL + ENTER it just marks the ToDo as done and puts a strikethrough line in it. I’ve tried deleting the ToDo checkbox but hitting the backspace button but that doesn’t do anything.

Edited* — First Ctrl + Enter makes it a check box, second time you do it - it marks it done, and the third time you do it - the checkbox goes away.

anisha, that worked! It requires 2x CTRL+ENTER. I figured pressing backspace to delete the object would have worked. I’ve got a lot to learn about RemNote.

Thanks to both of you @UMNiK and @anisha for commenting!