I can't delete one specific template

It crashes as soon as I delete that template, and it turns out that I am not able to delete that template. What should I do?

Might be a relevant issue for you here:

Try setting the portals within your rems to unsorted and see if it works.

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Thanks for your reply, it’s helpful. But I still can’t solve this problem. My Automatically Sort tag is clear, I don’t think I still have some sorted rems. But indeed, when I delete rems which are referred or tagged, it crashes.

No problem. Just to be clear, I was not referring to the auto sort powerup but the new feature here:

These rems you can’t delete, go into each of them and check the bottom reference portal to make sure it is set to ‘unsorted’.

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I can’t fine that.
I can only fine this, my version is 1.3.8.Could you please tell me where to find that?

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Click on the 3 dots menu here:

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I don’t have the three dots. :cry:

This is kinda strange… Since you are pro user, how about trying this on the beta server on the web instead?

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I will try tomorrow, thank you so much! You really help me a lot. :smiling_face_with_three_hearts: