Image occlusion cards under descriptors - UX issues

In the old RemNote (before the most recent UI overhaul) I could see all the cards generated from the Rem in the pop-up panel. Now I can only see the front and back.

A lot of the time I use a descriptor for images (the old ~Image universal descriptor), but from the document editing interface there is no longer a way to specifically disable just the card that reveals the whole image. Instead I have to disable that single card manually once it shows up in my review queue, which I find very tedious.

Please provide a way to disable individual image occlusions and cards generated from a Rem. The current “enable cards” switch and popup is too limiting.

You can create a disabled descriptor using ;/ or ;- or ==. I use that all the time to store metadata.
Furthermore there are shortcuts and slash commands to toggle a practice direction.

Would that be enough for your use case?

(I feel adding the image occlusion cards to the simple forward/backward practice card popup would confuse people?)

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This is exactly what I’ve been doing.

The issue is that if I create a disabled descriptor with an image on the back, all image occlusions from said back side are, since quite recently, by default disabled as well. When I view the cards generated via the image occlusion generator interface they all appear to be still enabled.

Given the recency of the issue I’m guessing the problem lies in one of the patches.

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Would you mind pointing me to where these additional delimeters are documented?

RemNote and documentation :wink:

I think there were not considered stable yet because of some undesired shadowing of unicode replacements.

Here is the current list:


  • Forward: >>
  • Backward: <<
  • Both: <>
  • Disabled: >/, </ (Those require the double slash commands setting aka // to be turned on)


  • Forward: :>, >:
  • Backward: :<, <:
  • Both: ::, :<>
  • Disabled: :-, :/


  • Forward: ;;, ;>, >;
  • Backward: ;<, <;
  • Both: ;<>
  • Disabled: ;-, ;/, == (aka metadata)

So basically you have a prefix for the card type and then chose a direction.

  • If you press enter after any it creates a multi-rem card of that type and direction.
  • If you press - (or /) after an existing delimiter it is disabled.