Image Upload Scaling issue (Desktop App Only)

When I upload a picture that is about ~3:4 (portrait paper) it will stretch out the photo to a 4:3 aspect ratio instead of keeping gate 3:4.
here’s the original photo and the one uploaded to remote
The upload is normal when I use the non beta remote to upload the file instead


Thanks! This is hopefully fixed in the next release.

I am having the same issue

Why my images are like this?

After pasting an image it is extremely distorted (widened) than the original:

Any help would be appreciated.


I’m having this issue on the desktop app and on the website as well.

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I have the same problem, but it doesnot occur in all uploaded images.
A work-around I found is adding a CSS block as below

.w-full {
  max-width: 100%;
  width: auto;

hope it helps.


This appears to have worked for me so far.

Thank you so much

Good snippet… Thank you…!

But I susggest a better code

.image-node .w-full {
  width: auto;

@csTsai your code will cause a bug in Queue


Where do you add the block to?

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Thank you for the adding up.
I rarely use Queue hence didn’t notice this.

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Awesome fix! I appreciate it.

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When you insert an image that has a larger width than height with this fix it would over stretch it when using the code provided.

Yeah… Good catch…

.image-node .w-full {
	max-width: 100%;
	max-height: 100%;
  	width: auto;
  	height: auto;

Add height to fix this bug…


Try this one!


This is pretty amazing, but I’ve found a bug, the Tag icon will get blown up in some cases, so far it seems like it would happen in portals, I’ve attached some images here, one of the image is shown once the css is disabled. the tag icons go back to being smaller

Ah, I didn’t notice that the short snippet ended up the broad mess up
Please Try again with ori tagging
I changed the snippet.

Just as amazed as how fast you are as how great this works now. Went to check out your GitHub page for all your other projects, great stuff pal!

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yeah where do you add this?