Import feature does not work

I’m trying to import from daily backups using the zip file downloaded but it is not working.

I tried to import from full raw JSON export as well but it is also not working.

In both instances, the browser tab will just snap/crash.

The size of backup downloaded from daily backup is also 4x smaller than the one downloaded from full raw JSON export. Why the discrepancy when users expect nothing less than the same backup?

This made me feel like RemNote did not really consider thoroughly each of the features and options they introduce.

Hey Marcus, does this happen only for a specific backup file or do none of the imports work for you?

I am only interested in full raw JSON import from daily backup and have moved on since no one else seems to have any idea.

However I just tried to do a daily backup import from zip file to another test account, same thing:

Here are some additional information:

  • The size discrepancy between the cloud backup and a local backup is just that the cloud backups are compressed while the manual local backups are uncompressed to save CPU time and perform faster.
  • I tried importing a backup of my synced kb into a local kb and it takes ages. The reason for this is that all media files are downloaded during the import. You can see that in the DevTools Console (Ctrl + Shift + I in the desktop app).
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Thanks and understand your first point. On the 2nd point, also understandable if it takes longer as long as it works in the end and a progress indicator with an estimated time left would also be nice.

Just to clarify in my case, I was importing a cloud daily backup to another account via browser and then it broke.

Importing backup of synced kb to a new local kb works though, as you tested.

In my case the error is: detail: “event rejected due to rate limit”
when I try to import from a RemNote .zip file.

can you guys help me?