Import local image buggy - "drop your image directly onto an existing bullet-point Rem to paste it."


When trying to import an image into remote I keep getting this error: “drop your image directly onto an existing bullet-point Rem to paste it.” Sometimes the import work but it really inconsistent. I would advise creating an option in /image to import a local images directly from there because the current import function with drag and drop is really capricious and inconsistent.


I’m having this same issue. Dragging an image is hit and miss. I like the idea of not having to navigate to a folder and upload the photo, but I feel like this additional implementation is necessary until drag and drop gets fixed.

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I’m running into this issue all the time too.

The workaround I use is to zoom in into the rem that I want to add the image to and drag and drop the image there. It seems to be working more consistently this way compared to dropping an image in a document.

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