Improvment of date/time format

Thank you very much for a great program. Remnote is a wonder !
Remnote is very well adapted for studying medicine, biology and various exact sciences. However, for the study of history and other humanities disciplines, where most of the information is related to dates, there is a lack of some functionality related to the implementation of such a data type as a date.
Also, the date has already been written hire:

My suggestions for improvement this data type:

  • create the ability to enter the date B.C. or A. D. For example
    Cleopatra’s birth::51 B.C.

  • search for documents by dates of historical events. The design of the search may be the following:
    #wars and (!!1800 between !!1850) - all wars (by tag wars) that took place from 1800 to 1850 will be displayed.
    #Ancient Rome and (!!250B.C. between 50B.C.) - search for all events that took place in Ancient Rome during the period from 250 B.C to 50 B.C.

Finally, it would be great if developers could realize a plugin similar to Timeline View in Tinderbox: .

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