In RN how does the number list cards work from the reviewing perspective?

When initially learning, if there are 3 children, I realize it will show child 1-3 in that order for a number list. However, each child can be given a rating of understanding

For the sake of argument let’s say that I understand child 1 & 3 with an easy rating & child 2 with a hard rating

When I review the cards will I be shown child 2 w/o seeing child 1 & 3? Or will I see them for context but w/o being tested on them as it is not their time due to the spacing algorithm

Lists will always show all their children in order. Not too sure which one of the answers “counts” for spacing. You can get around this by using clozes.

Thank you for the reply

I presumed that they were each going to have their own spacing once they reached the review status (vs learning new card status) since I am being asked to rate each child as it is being revealed to me

Kind of odd behaviour in that case. If the scenario is all children will always be shown in order, regardless if learning new card or reviewing card status, then I presume the entire list is rated on the child with the lowest rating level.




Thank you for the link you provided on the cloze list work around
I agree with what you are saying there

From my perspective it defeats the purpose of having a list that is not revealed in all at once if it is being treated the same as a list that is revealed all at once (from the rating perspective as there is obviously a visual difference).

Good to know I wasn’t missing something then
Thank you so much for the help