Is there a way for everything to show up on a flashcard (context above and below)


I am currently making rems about various botanical medicines, the cards are like this

latin name:: glycyrrhiza
common name:: licorice
energetics:: sweet
part used::root

As it is, I get 4 separate rems, each one with only one fact…

If I indent each one then it shows me me everything ontop of it, but none of the children

But I want it to show me everything for context… rems above and below. Is this possible?-

This is what I want the flashcard to look like

latin name:: glycyrrhiza
common name:: licorice
energetics:: […]?
part used::root

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One way to get what you want is to combine these into one rem, but split into multiple lines and then apply cloze on each items you want to review. To split lines without creating a new rem you can use Shift + Enter

Here is a demonstration. I just changed the :: to just : while creating cloze to avoid the creation of regular cards

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thank you, I had tried clozes but hit enter so they were differnt rem, I see how you hold shift and enter to make them all in one rem. Thank you!