Is there a way to list all tags?

One workaround I can think of is searching for ##Stub. It lists all top level rems that are not docs according to this reddit thread, so I guess it lists all tags.
The problem of this workaround is it lists rems that isn’t used as a tag as well.

One option here is to enable this Labs feature:

We’ll have something more comprehensive in the future as well.

Thank you for your responce.
From my understanding, that feature automatically collects tags if a tag is attached to a rem. So existing tags won’t be collected unless the tags are newly attached to a rem. Am I right?

Yes, you are right. If you have lots of rems already (and tags) they won’t be collected as #tag.

Thank you for the confirmation! Fortunately I don’t have that many tags yet. This is a good alternative for now but I’m looking forward to the improved version of the feature.