Is there a way to make all card problems in the same format without italics

Is there a way to make all card problems in the same format without italics? :blush:

Is there a way to make the problem parts in all forms of cards in the same format without italics? :crazy_face:

When you create cards, only using >>

Assuming you are asking how to turn descriptor cards into regular cards, select them and press ctrl+alt+q (q for Question). Do note that descriptors have a unique backwards card that asks for their parent - if you want to preserve those cards and remove italics, your only option is Custom CSS.

  • How to modify shortcut keys for creating basic cards?

To create a multiline basic card:

  • i can use shift+>>>, in english
  • i can use Caps lock(Switch between Chinese and English, in mac desktop)+shift+>>>,in Chinese.
    if i type shift+>>>,in Chinese, it would be like>>》
    i need to Caps lock first
  • i use;;;easier, it is multiline descriptor card, in Chinese and english.
    I want ;;;to create basic card, which i use a lot.
  • So i want to change the shortcut.
  • i don’t know how to use css.

    use this a lot:

I’m afraid there is currently no native way to change delimeters (so swap ;;; and >>>, as you would like). You can try and use a third-party keyboard macro program, though. This specific case also seems worth posting in Editor bugs for Non-Latin Languages | RemNote

Thank you for your reply :blossom:. I have posted the Question supplement to the link you quoted. Someone encountered the same problem as me, and I added the comment.