Is there a way to see a list of the flashcards due today inside a document?

I use a similar approach to Andy Matushack to my fleeting notes, that I store in the Quick Add document. I use Spaced repetition to bring back to memory those notes, and decide in which ones I should work that day. However, since I don’t know how to undo my answers while reviewing the flashcards (if someone knows, please let me know), and just because it would be super useful for me, I would like to see all the due cards for the day, to decide in which ones I want to work. I hope I was clear.

Thanks for your help!

Left arrow goes back one step in the queue.

If it’s just an overview of drafts you’re after, you can use a single tag or emoji for all of them, create a search portal for it, and alternatively turn it into an embedded queue or just use normally, depending on your mood.

Actually, it occurred to me that I can tag them all as Edit Later (since that doesn’t “answers” them) and see them that way, then Done Editing and process them. Thanks anyway for the left arrow tip!

Actually, your way is also better than my tag suggestion, as the native edit later tag provides a field to type in a message (and has some preset ones) containing the specific nature of the follow-up if you press e rather than a (which will just apply the Edit Later powerup).

In case anyone else reads this and wants a quick way to edit the rem from the queue that will also count the answer, you may use “peek at source document” in the menu or p.