Is this now vaporware?

I have see little suppose or enthusiasm for this app, no recent update, IOS app non existent, no mention amongst YouTube discussion of best note taking apps. Early enthusiasts have not posted a video in months. I will give this another month or so and cancel my subscription. Very disappointed. so much promise.


Hey! Thanks for bringing this up. While it is true that our last update was 3 months ago and the iOS app is not out yet, we are nowhere near becoming vaporware. In fact, this is just the beginning for us. Our team has grown from being just a few to about 18 product-related team members (engineers and designers). Hiring and Team Management is one of the most difficult phases for any startup and it has likewise drained a lot of our time.

Nevertheless, we have been working on quite a few important and large projects in the past three months and the current plan for 1.8 (next update) is this (apart from bug fixes and other upgrades)

  1. Brand new editor built from scratch that will support international languages and also bring full mobile support
  2. Dark Mode
  3. Plugins marketplace and APIs with a few sample plugins built by the team (the community can finally start building powerful plugins, integrations, themes etc.,)
  4. Fully revamped Backend architecture. This will help solve all the sync issues and also help us scale to much larger knowledge bases and set the groundwork for collaboration in RemNote (this project has been really tricky and the main reason for the delay in release, but is definitely worth the wait)
  5. New Android app that has the same functionality as the web app (sorry iOS needs a little bit more time to fix some issues and will roll out with the update after this)
  6. However, one should also be able to use the new Mobile-friendly app through safari or chrome on iOS and be able to enjoy the redesigned UI and UX that’s optimised for Mobile

The update is currently being tested internally and the last set of bugs are being fixed.

We have also begun working on our next big release 2.0 (we are skipping 1.9) which will ship fully functional databases/ tables (similar to Notion, Airtable etc.,).

Also happy to share we have been investing in some marketing efforts over the past few months, and we hope to see more external activity soon.


Being that this is a concern that comes periodically… I think there might be some need for the remnote team to think about. Could you maybe document actively your progress or current work?

I mean, KB’s app are for enthusiast people… who probably need more than the occasional response on the forum to feed their enthusiasm :wink:

Thanks for the comprehensive reply

It would be good to regularly communicate. The essence of a community is communication. Agree a certain heartbeat for announcements from the team, irrespective of a release. Just announce what its being worked on, what is going well, what is hard and why.

Remember, you cannot not communicate. If you don’t say something, you are also communicating something, except you may not be aware of it,

You are not alone in this situation.

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Hard to say why there’s not much discussion, but at least the size of the team has been steadily growing.

Yeah a marketing disaster… Remnote its desappear from note taking tool forums,… what its happening? we are sinking???

Then again guy’s, it’s great from the start, works flowlessly on chrome and really a standalone app or even a PWA is not that important for user exp anymore 🫣

Bartosz_Pietrzkowski – I’ve been looking at RemNote casually as an alternative to other KB apps. I am a full time engineer, not a student. If you don’t mind sharing your experience, I’d appreciate your perspective.

  1. Is RemNote mature enough to serve as a primary personal KB?
  2. If you are not really interested in spaced repetition, how well does RemNote work as a networked personal KB app - compared to similar alternatives like LogSeq or Roam Research?


Well Remnote its very good for study and better to take notes and search in no complex database. Im a lawyer and i used to search jurisprudence.
The big big problem its the perfomance when your notes are incremental in time. Im have about 50.000 rems and the software its now falling.
I probe Remnote in a virtualmachine with 32 cores and 126 gb ram and for my surprise… remonte ONLY USE ONE CORE. There are a big design problem in the soiftware. Conclusion for now remnote its only for kids in school and nor for serious use. Its imposible that you create a new brand maybe only a 5 years old kid brand .
Now im using remnote with Linux Mint ina a I5 -5200U Processor, 4 logical cores and 16Gb Ram. With a Virtual Google cloud Machine 32 cores, 126 gb ram, the perfomance its the same because REMNOTE USE ONE ONE ONE CORE

It seems like it’s been a while since the last time I saw some updates. So, are we getting some updates on Remnote sometime soon?