Issue with an universal concept

I have an issue with using concepts. I want to make a concept that will appear very frequently in my notes, and i don’t want it to appear with the name of its parent before it because it may have a lot of uses. How can i do it in remnote?

You can see it here. I don’t want it to appear like “albuminy->ciśnienie koloidoosmotyczne” but like this “ciśnienie koloidoosmotyczne”
Thanks for your help in advance.

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yeah, i want to create a concept rem and then make references to it without referencing to its parent rem

A workaround is to create a parent above the rem you want to reference that‘s something like “-” or a dot or whatever. Here‘s how I do it

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So there is no official way of doing it?

This can happen when you try to reference a Descriptor type rem. Changing it to Concept type rem should show only the rem you are referring to in the reference. Check this GIF for more details