Just Stub is not enough

There should be a solution dealing with Top-level Concepts.
When users encounter new concepts from the internet or other sources, they have to be able to fastly save into RemNote via a lightweight new popup page with Concept Tagged which can be opened by keyboard-driven workflow.

I think stub can’t be the ultimate solution to deal with top-level rem. Many other useless, auxiliary rems are also stub. This would be messy as KB growing so they should be distinguished for better UX.

Why not just move those auxiliary rems to another parent rem?

because I don’t want to use my time to arrange those things. The auxiliary rems with stub tags actually are not annoying to me and I don’t want those stub tags to be in the other rem. The thing is that crucial concepts are also tagged with stub so whenever I type some other concept to top-level they need to be done with time-consuming behavior to distinguish from a bunch of “stub” tagged top-level rems.

Sorry, what is the proposed solution, exactly?

Prototype in my mind at the moment is like this button which has custom shortcut key

So when this can be implemented, it can easily cover varied subjects

And In All Notes page section, Top-level Rem button need to be divided into 2section (Stub / Concept)


Would the ability to add a manual filter with the condition of “any arbitrary tag you choose to mean concept AND top level” to “All notes” serve your purpose? In other words, this seems like something that is best achieved with queries, since it requires both a decision from the user to elevate some rem and limiting the scope to not include every top level rem. Of course, once the queries are in, there won’t be much point using the default filters at all, since you’d be able to create highly customised ones.

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Oh yeah, sophisticated queries would be the best compromise.
And I hope that All Note Section like rem browser should be more flexible like anki browser but I know that making this kind of feature is not a super easy one. Anyway, thanks for kind answer.

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Thanks for providing a clear mockup!

My main point is that the current All Notes filters and Stub work automatically, while anything more would have to be manual and so handled using some other functionality. Perhaps there is an interim solution that makes sense before full queries come.

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