KaTeX display mode environments not working?

I tried to use the align environment, but is does not work in RemNote:

a&=b+c \\

Even though it is supported in KaTeX, it looks like it is not implemented in RemNote.

The array environment works, but not the align environment. Am I doing something wrong or it is not implemented?

(Moved your post to a new bug report.)

Yeah, I noticed something similar earlier. In the KaTeX docs it says:

The auto-render extension will render the following environments even if they are not inside math delimiters such as $…$ . They are display-mode only.

I think the display mode in RemNote is just never used, even if toggling block mode. E.g. the equation, gather, CD environments also don’t work.


If the cause is being in non-display mode, then the following environments should work.

gathered , aligned , alignedat
… do not need to be in display mode.
Supported Functions · KaTeX

So align can be replaced with aligned, @hugo 's code will be:

It seems working, though this might indicate that equation and CD is not supported on RemNote I guess?


It worked perfectly! Thanks!!

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I have been recently working with Katex which iw called through a React applicaton. It seems that the CD and equation environments still don’t work. I was wondering if anyone has managed to get the CD and equation environments to work. Thank you

Inline, display, and CD environments seem to be working ok for me on Windows Desktop 1.6.6.
Maybe post your code?

Thanks for responding. All that I am using is code directly from katex.org support documentation wrapped in BlockMath component from react-katex in my react code.

            <BlockMath>{String.raw` \begin{CD}
                                    A @>a>> B \\
                                    @VbVV @AAcA \\
                                    C @= D

This errors out with error ‘KaTeX parse error: No such environment: CD at position 8: \begin{̲C̲D̲}̲ …’

The code looks fine to me. Are you using block (ie, display) environment in RemNote with CD?