Keyboard shortcut to hide only the selected rem and not descendents

It’s possible to hide a rem while some of it’s descendants are visible: they become like a grayed out breadcrumb.

I don’t know if this generalizes and one can, with work, set up any rem to be shown or hidden. If that’s the case, it would be cool to have a shortcut that hides only the selected rem. If not, it still would be cool to have some command that lets us have finer control over what is possible. Such as one that hides the parents but not siblings, or something.

Hi there! By hide only the selected rem, do you mean the Ctrl + H shortcut?
At the moment, there are 2 shortcuts + 1 that is missing:

  1. Hide Rem from Document: Ctrl + H
  2. Hide Parent and Siblings from Document: Ctrl + Shift + H
  3. Hide Parent from Document: Missing – This is a bug and has been documented briefly here.

@anisha Ah, good to know it’s being discussed. I hadn’t even noticed there was a “hide siblings from document” available that doesn’t have a shortcut, let alone a “hide parent from document” that’s being discussed!

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