Making directories in the sidebar

Can some help me with this phenomenon?

I want to add more directories to my sidebar.
Normally you should be able to do this in the powerup-rem Document Sidebar.
The RemNote Help says to use search portals.

But the search portals give all the rem they find on a specific subject if I’m not specific enough.
And even if I’m specific enough and the new directory is made, the documents (rem) still are visible under the “Draft” directory.

Also using the new query functionality doesn’t create a directory in the sidebar.

And using plan text (rem) also creates a directory, but again the documents (rem) still are visible under the “Draft” directory. These kind of directories also can only show their children and not their grandchildren.

My observation is that the new created “directories” aren’t real directories like Pinned, Darft and Finished.
Can this feature be reevaluated?