Maleware Warning Windows Desktop App

If I try to install the windows desktop app for RemNote, I get a warning, that the .exe data might be malware. I know it’s probably not, however it feels weird to completely ignore those hints from my windows anti-virus software. I hope it can be fixed somehow.

Best Regards, Tobi


PS: The screenshot is in German and says: Windows protected your computer from malware.

The only fix for this is more installs so the Windows Defender recognises the exe as benign. This always happens when installing new and relatively obscure apps.

Mh, ok thanks. Yet, it makes me a bit nervous. Today, my PC said the remnote.exe carries a trojan

I mean… how can I be sure it’s save?

You can always it. Since RemNote is not open source, that is as sure as you will get.

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Thanks very much :slight_smile: I really appreciate your help!

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