Manifesto for ubiquitous linking

I have elsewhere made a case for a great capture functionality and have referred to’s spotlight function. Here is another interesting development:

Manifesto for Ubiquitous Linking

Thank you for sharing this idea, super cool :+1:

Maybe I’m dumb, but isn’t this basically a proper subset of the Web 3.0 discussion (I use the word “discussion” advisedly, for diplomatic purposes)?

Probably :slight_smile: but it would make sense for knowledge managers like remnote

I see this more as an attempt to allow individuals to create workflows with less friction. The ability to click a link while I am in an app to open a document in another app and go to the place where I need to be is of paramount importance so as not to interrupt thinking and doing. The fact that is not the case today is surprising and in a way it is not. Software development has centered around apps and not around how apps are being used in a workflow. This has brought us many benefits, but the ability to link in a productive way - see for example what is possible with, has huge advantages.


Sure, agreed. Dendron’s “pods” idea (discussed in this interview) for easy export and import also seems pretty interesting, since not every app can be expected to be easily extensible and/or want to integrate with its competitors.