Markdown syntax to add a source?

hello @hannesfrank,
Following your post here and the with the advent of in-line source:I am wondering, what is the Markdown syntax to add a source (i.e. URL)?
Also, can you, via said syntax, point to a PDF on your local disk for remnote to grab the PDF?

@_yb Unfortunately there is no markdown syntax for this. It’s kind-of hard to map anything all types of content to some markdown syntax. We could think about some general syntax to textually represent arbitrary (hidden) powerup slots. E.g. source lists with id os.os.

  • inline
- My article <!--rn os.os= -->
  • special marked slot
- My article with a source
  - !rn os.os;;

Can you think of a nice syntax?

Once it’s released we can experiment with this in the form of plugins where you can paste into a text input and the source is added via API call.

Thank you for your response @hannesfrank

Just to make sure I understand your goal properly: You are looking for a syntax containing a placeholder set of X character that can be changed to represent various arbitrary power up to solve all types of remnote-feature specific’s paste-markdown at once?

Seems a great idea to me, which could be scaled with future remnote’s feat. I would even say that what you propose is already great, maybe a bit too “code-like” for new users.
A more “symbol-based” alternative maybe, as it is seemingly easier to be adopted by non-programmers (if double| are rare enough to not create problems)


(please note that I’m not a programmer and I have not the competence to evaluate whether what I’m saying is a big pile of nonsense or not :sweat_smile:, bare with me please)