More control over which rem in the 'path to root' are visible when testing on a given rem

Sometimes I’m testing a definition rem and the word which I’m trying to remember from its definition is mentioned in the rems on the path from this rem to the root. I’m not always able to remove this word from the rems on the path to root (as often it’s the title of a section), and I don’t want to remove the extremely useful ability to have the ‘path to root’ context when testing on a rem.

A related issue is that sometimes I’m testing on a rem (e.g. the proof of a theorem) for which I want to be able to see the statement: e.g.

- Theorem name :: [theorem statement]
    - proof ;; [proof of theorem]

when testing on proof, I want to be able to see both the theorem name and the theorem statement.

And e.g. in this case I’d like to be able to see the problem while being tested on the solution

Might it be possible to have more fine-grained control over what’s shown in the path to root? And/or could there be a setting that, when enabled, would always show both the front and back sides of all cards in the path to root?

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