My one concern with remnote. It's future?

Hi all, I’ve been playing around a lot of note systems and I really like what Remnote is doing. The one question I have is if I put all of this time and effort into this system, what happens if the people running it want to move on? I’d hate to start on my education journey and want to come back to notes I’ve made a few years down the road than the brilliant people that made this have moved on to new challenging things in the service no longer works.

Anyone have thoughts on this?

Thanks much for creating this wonderful system. I’m not a medical student, I simply never learned how to properly take notes and learn in general. I can see this becoming an integral part of my learning process for a very long time. So I want to make sure if I’m going to lean into it, it will be here for a long long time. :slightly_smiling_face:

This has been answered in the FAQ:

Guaranteed Access Clause*: In the extremely unlikely event that RemNote ever winds down (don’t worry - we are 100% committed and fully expect and plan to be here for the long haul), we will release all code into an open-source project. You could run RemNote as a local desktop app (RemNote already works fully offline) and/or the open-source community could host RemNote independently. We are 100% committed to you and the development of this tool. Period.


Thanks for the reassurance!