Any reason you don’t allow using emojis for purposes of templates? Seems like it would fit your personal workflow quite well to use something like %%speaking_head and have it populate telephone numbers and such, rather than ##people, which can well be taken up by textual references from your psychology stuff. Emojis solve that problem by being completely arbitrary rather than going off existing words.
Obviously, the absence of queries is glaring, but why not at least use an expander to populate your daily note?
The essay video seemingly skips the most important step: actually making the notes smart by arranging them in a keynote/entry note, and/or tagging them individually to link to an index, and/or turning them into zettels/evergreen notes. All that is shown in the video is a piddly three sentences manacled to an article. Similarly, outlining the structure before having pulled the notes themselves is a bif iffy - the whole point is to be able to see the structure emerge from the connections between notes, not just pulling a load of notes by tag.
If I may make a general observation, RemNote seems a little too focused on the undergraduate workflow of read textbook, memorise textbook, parrot it back. Obviously, it is nice to make that process as easy as possible, but so far the most active users of zettelkasten seem to be academics and/or content creators (what is called “knowledge workers”, though obviously “ignorance workers” are machines these days anyway), who may be more interested in the linkage side of things (although the lack if aliases at the moment is certainly painful). Here are some thoughts about why that might be the case in a zettelkastenish format. And here’s a vid I encourage you to rip off wholesale.