Can someone please change the name of this thread to “Next Release Update (Request)”? Every time it comes up I think it’s finally here.
when is going to be the Next update? September already
Kindly check your inbox
thank you very much!!
Anyone able to download the latest update? I can access the alpha.remnote website but no luck downloading the updated app.
when is going to be the Next update?
It looks pretty good.
Maybe it is just me but I cannot sneak peek apparently. Says I need alpha server access which of course would not be a sneak peek
Unless I am looking in the wrong area
My finances makes LLL way beyond my means LOL
Just 2 more weeks! And maybe even sooner. (You probably did not know that “soon” could be used in this way too!
Yes, if this is the new soon I can live with that usage
Life long learners could you please briefly tell us how you feel about the new version and whats different?
i know its coming soon to the rest of us, but just excited
For now, the alpha testers have been asked to keep their feedback private. Please don’t put them in an awkward situation.
Looking inside the settings, it says version 1.3.17. I deeply hope this isn’t the version we’ve been waiting for months. I expect at least a 2.0 version with a revamped UI, more functions and more improvisation.
no don’t worry mate, it’s a 1.4 version you should be looking after see if you have a lif long account
Hi Karthikk,
I have just read your statement about the Remnote update and my question has to do with the “revamped mobile experience along with the iOS app” portion of your statement.
My real query is when you say “mobile experience” is that inclusive of Android users of the software - or just for apple users; this is important to me as part of the niche section of the Remnote community that are Android Users.
So far for just reviewing Rems it’s reasonably okay - it’s way better than apps like ankidroid for this on android. However, on devices like android tablets - where it seems intuitive to make rems and flashcards using the device - the experience rather lacking especially when the missing features in the android version are considered.
Please excuse my poor formatting of this message and I would appreciate any response.
i think the mobile app on android is lacking because i cant use backlinks on it and very often the indent outdent feature is broken.
In contrast the roam research progressive web app allowed easy backlinking and i could type all my ideas out without having to reformat them on the computer
I see what you mean about the indent out dent feature.
@hannesfrank , would it be possible that you provide an update on when you think the release will be out?
This answers you question!