Non-truncated text when showing full name of a link

Sometimes I want referenced rems to be part of a flashcard. I believe using a reference with its full name and path shown untruncated would be an easy way to accomplish that. The truncated name works somewhat, but is far less elegant than the full name would be.


For reference: what can be done at the moment by right clicking the reference and clicking “show content” and “show full name”. I guess the truncation can be less aggressive.

Yes. But then the text is truncated, only the first few words in each parent is shown, followed by “…”, instead of the full text. I would like an option to show the full text.

The full untruncated name is shown in a portal, but the portal itself cannot be included in a flashcard to its parent.


Agreed, for some reason the current functionality expects only short words to show up in breadcrumbs. Even the command being named “Full Name” is somewhat misleading given that it shows the truncated name.

This no longer works on both the web and the desktop app for me. Does it still work for you?

Bugged for me at the moment as well. The buttons are still there in the context menu, but clicking on them just closes the menu. Hopefully it will be fixed soonish.

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Thanks for your reply. I’m a new user and bugs like this really confuse me. I kept wondering if it’s a bug or am I doing something wrong.
I really really like RemNote and want to use this as the main tool for note taking but the confusion caused by bugs plus the steep learning curve is really challenging for me to learn to use this tool effectively.


are the devs aware of this bug and do they have a plan to fix it?

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I’m sure they will fix it, here’s the public bug tracker in the meantime: GitHub - remnoteio/remnote-issues: The official public issue tracker for