Obsidian and EverNote URLs are converted into flashcards

When I paste the link, it seems that remnote interprets -/ as a shortcut for the front card/back card feature

Thanks, for the help

Hi saad,

I have replicated this. For now, paste your links in markdown link syntax: [Teleport to Obsidian](obsidian:…).

You can also use this trick to turn most normal links into hyperlinks, similar to how RemNote creates hyperlinks out of URLs for you.

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Unfortunately, I have already tried this but the same problem occurs.
Thanks for your help

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Strange. I was able to create hyperlinks out of Obsidian links this afternoon on mobile (using the web client).

I’ve moved this post to #21-category:bug-reports and retitled accordingly.

Ashish (in #remnote-help, 2021/09/26) adds EverNote URLs are interpreted in the same way. I have updated the title to reflect this.

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