Option to tag entire document as edit later

This feature request is linked to this Exclude an Entire Document/Folder from the Main Queue because rems that are tagged as edit later don’t appear in the main queue. It should be an option in the triple dot menu because of mobile users that don’t have access to cmd+a/ctrl+a but also an option to turn it off again for an entire document when you’re done with your changes. Making bigger changes to a document is my personal reason why I would exclude documents from the main queue, so the two feature requests kinda fit together

Can’t you just create a parent rem above it, go to that one and toggle the edit later on the one you want? Documents are just rem that show up in the sidebar and have a source field.

Well that won’t exclude flashcards inside the document from the queue

Going to redact my request through this post. What I’m asking for is already possible, just not on mobile. I gotta accept that you can’t do it all on mobile.