Pains with the panes: Opening rem references

I am currently experiencing a paneful workflow issue that I hope the community will be able to help me with.

I often work with two panes open side by side. Previously, pressing ‘shift+click’ on a rem reference in one pane would open it in the other.

However, after a recent update, ‘shift+click’ now opens the rem in a third, completely new pane. This is sometimes helpful, but most of the time I would like it to open the rem reference in the pane that is already there. Is there a shortcut for this?

You can disable that behavior in Settings, Interface, Global Interface, Windowed Panes. I don’t know if there is a way to decide if the rem should be opened in the side pane or in a windowed pane, in a per case basis.

Thank you. I do like having multiple window panes sometimes, so what I’m really looking for is a way to choose whether to open it in a single side pane or in a windowed pane.

Yeah, I’d like to have that option too. Anyway, the obvious solution is to close the side pane before shift+clicking, right?

I cannot find the option :frowning:

@Phuc_Doan, they removed it in version 1.6, sadly.

You have so many options here:

  1. Disable the Windowed Panes function. Then you don’t have to deal with more than two panes at the same time.

  2. Close the already opened side pane and thus reduce the window to only one. Afterwards, you can click on the rem reference, which should lead you to a side pane, instead of a third pane.

I think either one could perfectly solve your problem, depending on whether you want to keep the Windowed Panes function on.