Pdf highlighting issues

Hello community,

I’ve been getting issues with the pdf highlighting function, the highlight in not on top of the word in the pdf, as seen in the picture bellow. It works most of the times, but then it just won’t work for a whole period of time. This happened with different pdfs. I tried uploading them again, nothing changed and tested on adobe to see if it was a problem with the file, but it worked fine.

Please help


Did you try reloading the app?
It happens to me sometimes and a reload fixes it (but I am use the web version)

Does it happen for specific pdf or in general for all pdfs at certain times (and works again after you restart the app).

In the first case almost always those issues are not RemNote’s fault and we cannot do anything about it. It’s the pdfs fault whose text layer (invisible text used for selection) is not positioned correctly.

Consider this highlight:

The S is cropped and the t is not even included.

If I make the text layer visible you can see where it mismatches the rendered text:

The line under Introduction is horrible, but via dynamic... is fine.

Here is the Custom CSS you can check if that is the case with your pdf:

.textLayer span { color: red; }
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Restarting the program never really worked for me. It is on and off, sometimes it will work perfectly for all pdfs other days it will not work on any.
I do not know how to use the Custom CSS. But I will try to see if I can make it work.
Thank you