PDF Image Occlusion

It would be nice if we can make an Image occlusion from a PDF directly instead of screenshot it and copying the image.
by making two kind of boxes within the pdf, one for the image Frame, and one for the the occlusion itself.

Hi everybody!

I noticed that all I mostly do everyday is copying information from my lecture slides into RemNote and this costs an enormous amount of time. Time I could better spend doing active recall and spaced repetition.

Hence my feature request:
Allow image occlusion directly in an uploaded PDF. That way I wouldn’t have to copy anything over and could directly turn it into flashcards thus I could directly practice with the slide set itself. This would save me literal HOURS of copying!

I think, this would think this would be an incredibly useful feature, a game-change actually.

Am I the only one with this sentiment or are there others that would also profit enormously from this feature?

Thanks for reading and sharing!

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This would be a HUGE gamechanger for me because I’m coming across the same problem of spending so much extra time copying and pasting. It would literally make my workflow perfect.


This was actually my first post on the forum to have this feature included somehow.

Anything that makes you spend less time on a repetitive task makes sense.


Please make this a feature!! Sometimes I take handwritten notes, so it would be amazing if I could directly upload those and create flashcards immediately from them.

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